It hurts the lower part of the back: treatment

When a loved one hurts the lower part of the back, all eager for something to recommend: grandmother — heated brick, and rub, aunt — need to do a urinalysis. And that can actually cause pain in this area of the body, with associated with the their causes?

the pain below the back

The characteristic of the pain

When patients speak of the "lower back", it is necessary to clarify which area they have in mind. It is usually all that is under the margin of the costal arch (lumbar region and sacrum, along the spine, but also to the right and the left.

Low-back pain are of different intensity, duration, and irradiation position difference. Patients often attribute the maximum expression of pain:

  • sudden movements;
  • rotation of the body;
  • the inclination of the spinal column forward;
  • the increase of the legs.

A dull pain can disturb continuously, amplified night. Sudden severe pain literally breaks a man, accompanied the burn, frequent heart beats, in patients with hypertension – increase the pressure.

It is possible irradiation in the leg, shoulder blade, groin, abdomen, or local low back pain during the palpation, exploited.

The pathogenesis of the pain

Because it occurs the pain? The answer is simple: "So the person feels the stimulation of pain receptors (the ends of nerve fibers) in the tissue or during the movement of momentum".

The nerve endings are in the capsule of all the organs (the kidney, the pancreas, the wall of the intestine). Therefore, any pathological process in them may cause a pain response. Often place traction capsule due to inflammation and swelling of the internal organs.

That is able to occlude the passage of the nervous cane?

The roots branch out from the spinal cord in accordance with the segments. They can deform and hurt when the difficulty of the vertebrae (the accumulation of bone spurs osteochondrosis, prolapse of disc herniation, curvature for scoliosis, the destruction of the articular surfaces).

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Trauma to the lumbar and sacrum, are accompanied by the following:

  • injuries;
  • fractures to the lower ribs and pelvic bones;
  • swelling of the soft tissues;
  • the formation of hematomas.

They are also negatively impacting the pass near to the nerve trunks.

Benign or malignant tumors of the internal organs or spine can cause the bones, the mechanical pressure on the nerve endings. The same process occurs when specific tuberculosis the defeat of the vertebrae.

If the reason of the spinal column

Any increase in the load on the spine can be the cause of the pain. These include:

  • the increase of gravity (especially in one shot) from the bottom to the top;
  • disorders of posture while working behind a desk;
  • prolonged fixed position in the car.

Wrong the height of the table and of the chair in the workplace can cause muscle pain

Uncomfortable position of the body gradually leads to continuous back pain due to muscle tension. Here it is important to adopt measures for the standardisation of the place of work, the control of their posture, the organisations active breaks with exercises traction. From these pains, it is possible to get rid of them.

The acute pain in the lower back to the right or to the left occurs when the increase in the severity of a hand. A sharp clearing to flex the spinal column in the opposite direction.

Low back pain leads to degradation of the body of the vertebrae and widening of the processes. The result is a strong radicular pain. For their irradiation neurologists judge localization defeat under the spine. The same symptoms of compression gives the loss of disc herniation.

In the table presented the main direction of radiation pain

In-place compression of a root (the room vertebra) The spread of the pain
lumbar 3-4 the rear part of the buttocks and thighs, down to the heel, in front of the area above the knee
lumbar 4-5 for the postero-lateral side of the buttocks and hips down to the calf
the lumbar sacral 5-1 down from the buttocks behind the thigh, leg, foot, passes along the lateral part of the foot and leg

In addition, neurologists identify the characteristic numbness of the skin with osteochondrosis of the lumbar on the side in the bottom rear to the right or to the left depending on the party to defeat. When the pain in the upper lumbar vertebrae violation of the sensitivity is in the area of the calf muscles and the lateral surface of the foot.

causes of back pain

In the long course of the disease is weakness in the muscles hamstrings and stop. Measurement of the volume at the level of the thigh shows a reduction with a sick side. This is connected with muscle atrophy.

Especially the inflammation of the vertebrae in the disease of Bechterew, psoriasis causes stiffness and movement disorders.

The severity it is advisable to wear in both hands, distributing the weight equally

What are the pathologies that cause pain in the lumbar-sacral

Kidney disease occur with pain syndrome. It is characterized by:

  • pain in the lumbar region with palpation of the kidneys and exploited;
  • increase of the body temperature;
  • disorder of urination (cramping, more frequent desire to stimuli);
  • irradiation of the groin;
  • the changes to the analysis of the urine (the appearance of red blood cells, protein, leukocytosis).

Inflammatory diseases of the kidney are accompanied by strong and persistent pain. For urolithiasis typical paroxysmal acute pain that radiates to tailbone, and the groin. With this attack manifests itself every time the stone moves.

The pancreas is a gland in the shape of the tail of a department adjacent to the spine. Then inflammation (pancreatitis) causes severe gird attacks prolonged pain. Are usually connected with a violation of the diet (eating fatty foods, alcohol intake). Are accompanied by vomiting, cold sweat.

Disease of the large intestine (ulcerative colitis, tumors, hemorrhoids, infections) are a cause of pain in the lower abdomen and back. Accompanied by disorders of the chair, intestinal bleeding, weight decrease.

Most often back pain in pregnancy occur because of changes in the derriere, the pressure of the uterus

The pain of functional disorders

Known the pain, arising from the young girls and women before and during menstruation. In the wild, may be pain or strong cramps.

Localization usually, the back side back down to the left and to the right, in the lower regions of the abdomen. Gynecologists believe that they are called hormonal fail, the breach of the relationship between estrogens and androgens.

When women feel nausea, excessive salivation, weakness.

Particular importance is attributed to back pain during pregnancy. You can report an increased tone of the uterus and cause the interruption of the pregnancy. Then bear and alone to manage such a pain not. You need to call an Ambulance.

Pain benign fibroids of the uterus are accompanied by bleeding.

Experienced doctor will prescribe the treatment of pain only after review and clarify the causes. It is strictly forbidden to heat the back, apply ointments, to receive physiotherapy treatments. Only a specialist can determine the correct therapy in a particular case.

Causes of back pain of women

Several lower back pain lower in women may be a symptom of many diseases from mild to deadly. Sometimes women feel it pulling on the back pain with sudden movements. Widespread phenomenon backache during menstruation.

But such symptoms are usually transient. But the chronic pain lumbar spine is already talk of a certain explicitly disease.

It is important to identify the characteristic symptoms of the diseases are dangerous or harmless, and in any situation strange to attend therapist the neighborhood.


What can be the causes of pain in the back of women? There are many different disorders. Constant pain in the lumbar region women – a bad sign. Because lumbar pain of this type usually does not portend anything good.

Greater load capacity

Because of a few pangs of back pain in women are strange exercise.

If the girl almost was not aware of sporting disciplines and, in fact, a strong increase of the load on the back – great opportunity to stretch the muscles.

If sore, back is sore, do not stop already 3-4 days, you need to visit a doctor. Because when load can damage not only the muscles, but also to the intervertebral discs, and this is already a good reason.

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Low back pain and intervertebral hernia

The cause of low-back pain in women can be low back pain. With this disease occurs a change in the structure of the intervertebral disc, destruction of cartilage tissue. Previously, the elastic disc becomes difficult, lose depreciation of property.

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The next phase of pathological changes – compression of the intervertebral discs, which occurs their boss. Because of this, that compressed the spinal nerves, the blood circulation and the coordination of the movements, the pain intensifies.

The final phase of degenerative disc disease – the emergence of intervertebral hernia. This disease – another reason for the back pain in women.

As a general rule, pain in the lumbar region – is very pronounced , radiating to the limbs and other parts of the back.

In this state of the ridge can whine at almost any location of the body (except lying).

Disease gynecology

Gynecological diseases are very often the cause of back pain is lower in women. Can get sick as the lower part of the back and side sections.

There are diseases such as:

  • Cancer education (cysts) in the ovaries;
  • Pathology of the uterus;
  • Varicose veins of the organs surrounding the pelvic floor;
  • Benign education in an inner wall of the uterus;
  • Rupture of the ovarian tissue.

It is for these reasons often pulls the lower back in women. You experience discomfort, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms. However, it can be really a lot of dangerous consequences: problems with the birth of children, violation of the menstrual cycle.

Kidney disease

If you experience a back pain on the right or left, or even a belt back pain – the chances of kidney disease, one of which is pyelonephritis.

During the exacerbations of this infectious disease occurs inflammation of the kidney (one or two). The back pain right – this is not the only symptom of this condition.

The man feels still a number of negative phenomena:

  • Increase of the body temperature;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Migraine;
  • Alteration of the functionality of the system, the genito-urinary tract;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Exudative selection.

Many women who decide to have children and are pregnant, often experience pain in the lower back. Associated with physiological changes in the configuration of the time back pain are absolutely normal and require no treatment.

Annoying back pain occurs because of a sharp increase in the body weight and the location of the fetus in the lumbar area. In the last months of pregnancy may become ill as the loins, and the lower part of the belly.

These symptoms are no longer a rarity, but if you want you can discuss the problem with your doctor.


Another reason for pain in lower back women – the excess of the epithelial lining. With this disease the upper dermal layer of the uterus relates to the excess of the pelvic area.

Endometriosis not only causes pain below the waist, the disease can lead to serious consequences. When the deceased treatment, ignoring the disease is broken reproductive function.

And the pain in the lumbar back may cause infertility.

The cycle

If you hurt the lower back of a woman, perhaps, began the critical days. This phenomenon is repeated regularly, so that the girls know what to expect.

Lower back pain right, back pain left, and in the lower abdomen that occur because of contractions of the uterus, and a sharp increase in body mass, from the stagnation of water in the body.

The size of the breast

Some of the girls have 4-5 breast size, you may experience pain below the waist.

In addition, the load on the thorax increases and it can appear back pain in the chest, and the load on the lower part of the back goes from the unnatural curvature of the spine.

In such a situation, lower back pain, mainly due to a wrong posture, veranda. Do exercises to strengthen the muscles – the extensor along the spine and leading a sedentary life, so the back pain can be avoided.


Another reason, that back pain in women, the use of long — duration wearing of shoes too high heel. When you walk your pelvis a little goes on and the lumbar appears unusual decline. The load increases and occurs a annoying back pain.


Some back pain right in the back are associated with a certain period in the life of every woman.

During menopause occurs hormonal imbalance and circulation of blood in the area of the broken pelvis. In the following, the spinal column does not receive the right amount of nutrients.

And, directly, the causes of the mal – complications from lack of vitamins (osteoporosis, etc.).

Excess weight

The female body contains a greater amount of adipose tissue that is male. In old age lord, predisposed to overweight, can gain a lot of excess weight. In such a situation, the spinal column will feel a strong constant load.

>Disease oncology

Cancer of any type that reach a certain size, they begin to create pressure on the nerve endings.


Consequently, you may experience lower back pain lower right or left, regardless of the location of the tumor.

Benign or malignant pathological education, however, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. Any cancer can sooner or later become lethal.


Because it still occurs on the sore the back or belly? If dressing up is not for the time, sitting on cold surfaces can cause hypothermia.

Lower back pain right side occurs in the case in which the girl has cooled to the surrounding organs in the pelvic floor. However, it is highly cool and lumbo – sacral spine.

The acute pain in the lower back to the right in women can be the cause of this hypothermia.